Discriptions, pictures, recipes & monologue of life for a Texan in Mexico. The Mexico experience...
posted by Dee @ 5:56 PM
talk about scary, that bridge is nothing in compairison to the fact that crazy people put their small children on a zip line that runs across that gorge....now that is frightening!
Okay, yes they are stupid people! But bridge moving with the wind + swaying with footsteps=Scary!!!
Did you actually cross that bridge (when you got to it, tee hee) or just have your picture taken at the beginning of the bridge?
I crossed it!!! The photo of John is him coaxing me across. I was in a clammy sweat when I finally made it across. Trying to remain calm:)
I was speaking to someone just yesterday who said her husband wanted to go with their 2 kids!!! Not me, oh no:(
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I've lived both north & south of the border where family, food & celebrations are a part of life~
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talk about scary, that bridge is nothing in compairison to the fact that crazy people put their small children on a zip line that runs across that gorge....now that is frightening!
Okay, yes they are stupid people! But bridge moving with the wind + swaying with footsteps=Scary!!!
Did you actually cross that bridge (when you got to it, tee hee) or just have your picture taken at the beginning of the bridge?
I crossed it!!! The photo of John is him coaxing me across. I was in a clammy sweat when I finally made it across. Trying to remain calm:)
I was speaking to someone just yesterday who said her husband wanted to go with their 2 kids!!! Not me, oh no:(
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